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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Advantages Of Digital Pipelines Maps

Paper maps are no longer popular, or efficient considering the present necessities. That is the reason for which the latest technology in pipelines maps consists of digital cartography. This type of maps present several advantages, but they also serve to various purposes. A first aim of a pipeline map was to update already existing maps. This means that new standards have been created that respond better to needs of the companies. In this sense we cannot avoid saying that there are pipelines that have been taken out of usage but they still appear on old maps.

This would not serve to companies in any possible way. But digital maps involve research and surveying which have come out with current data.A correct description of the pipeline maps is very important for companies to have access to accurate geography of the pipelines. Digital maps serves better to such a purpose owing to the GPS technology that provides real data as for example longitude and latitude data, cultural information, various details regarding roads, waterways, building structures. This is possible not only because of the GPS device, but also because of a relationship with the landowners.

This relationship implies a two-ways flux of information: the company projecting the pipeline map provides him with the right information; also the landowners provide all necessary details about the lands. Another advantage involves prices of pipelines maps. These are considerably small as compared to costs involved when using traditional methods. Figures indicate a reduction of costs that go up to 40%. Therefore, we cannot say that it is a luxury to purchase up-to-date maps for pipelines. Apart from money, time is also an important aspect to consider because without using a digital pipeline map, the surveying process would take about 50 % longer.

To make it clear, the surveying and digital mapping is able to locate exactly the pipeline. Receiving the correct information, the property owners are confident that the pipeline map they need to use is correct. In addition, the flexibility given by digital pipeline maps contribute to an easier management, GPS Reviews and News Online, on the part of the government. For example, companies or the government can easily meet their responsibilities such as notifying landowners every two years that they have a pipeline on their land.

Not only that, but pipeline companies can also make a more realistic idea regarding pipeline assets and to establish the geoenvironmental details of the location where they develop their activity.At the same time, a digital pipeline map gives the surveyor the possibility to visualize the actual length of the pipe from beginning to end without actually visiting the real place. This is a piece of information that is actually impossible to access through conventional maps. Before bringing out and developing the GPS technology such data were conventionally assembled using a wheel, tape and sketchbook, each tool being handled by a different surveyor.

Only virtual visualization of the land can provide precise details on the topography of pipelines areas.To all that we can add the advantage that all data are automatically inserted in a pipeline map. This means quick access to updated information and efficient changes in projects if necessary. The precision and speed of GPS, together with the help of a computer result in pipeline maps that do not know comparison in quality and, GPS Reviews and News Online, complexity. Not to count the fact that a lot of time and money are saved as a consequence of technology improvement in the domain.

Using the latest technology there is no doubt that digital pipeline maps are what companies are looking for nowadays. A pipeline map offers considerable potential for pipeline companies to benefit of accurate documentation and surveying of their pipelines. In fact, if we consider cost savings, they have a good business on their side. As a matter of fact, the popularity of digital maps for pipelines has increased significantly over the years and many companies have started to see the benefits of this technology.

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